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Hello! Meet our Experts
The Art of Service Excellent
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Hello! Meet our Experts
The Art of Service Excellent
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Event DGC

About Us
About Us
We Deliver Our Services According to Your Needs

DGC was founded to help clients with specific financial and operational requirements. Our working ecosystem upholds the core principle of the establishment: delivering premium service and providing the right solutions for clients effectively and efficiently.

The methodologies and versatile approaches combined with our insight into the latest regulations, market conditions, geographical circumstances, and trends allow us to respond and to meet client’s needs. From manufacturing to distribution line, with the diversity of professional expertise in a wide range of industries, we have successfully assisted clients by providing solutions and services that suit their business needs, operating environment, opportunities, and risks. We provide a wide range of services, focusing on tax, accounting, and business support.Learn more about Our Services.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

Our focus on strategy and our orientation on the optimal solutions for clients is in our DNA. With profound knowledge and extensive experience, our experts have completed various assignments and have assisted clients, both individuals and multinational companies.

We make sure that being cost-effective does not mean that we sacrifice service quality. With affordable costs that are suitable for the budget, our clients can gain lots of value added by choosing us.

Competence, professionalism, and integrity have become a formal attitude at DGC. We are supported by highly experienced experts, extensive networks, and a dedicated support team to provide the best expertise and services for clients.


Need For Tax Advice?

Online Tax Consultation

  1. Describe your information / questions
  2. Choose free schedule
  3. We will inform you regarding our availability

Rp. 500.000 / 30 Minutes